It Might Have Been Otherwise
I have only to look outside my front door to see what might have been otherwise.

3 Things Homeowners Regret Forgetting
Speaking of P words, Plenty are the worries that can Plague a homeowner.

Never Mind My Pliers. Just Open Wide.
All you screenwriters out there: Please consider letting your next powerful, sassy and beautiful heroine have a career as a real estate agent.

"The Nicest Word"
"In other houses there were people, there must be lights, but they were too far away to seem real."

Now Is Always The Right Time To Buy
Today it’s Coronavirus. Tomorrow it could be double-digit interest rates. And earthquakes and climate change are always on the menu.

Let's Be Free (Of Stuff)!
Yes, you can be free. And so can I. And so I shall begin. Right now.

Buying or Renting? Six or a Half Dozen?
With a rental, if the building starts leaning 18 inches to the left, you can walk away.

Who's Your Biggest Fan?
"Your psychotherapist will (hopefully) listen for 50 minutes once a week. But the list of folks who’ll put up with your prattling stops there. Except for your Realtor."

Home Sellers’ Blindspots
You have turned lemons into lemonade…But just because you like doing dishes by hand doesn’t mean buyers are going to embrace a kitchen without a dishwasher.

Look Softly
Take a deep breath before entering any property and detach from the impulse to evaluate.

Have Some Soup. Or Some Tea.
After all, you probably just exhausted all of your savings and most of your energy...

Blessings Not In Disguise
The essential problem with off-market sales is that...somebody feels like something was unfair.