In Praise of Your Local Hardware Store
“The fellow that owns his own home is always just coming out of a hardware store.”
Don’t Take It Too Seriously
"What we are doing here is so important, we better not take it too seriously."
"Must Haves" You Might Not Need
You don’t need an ensuite bathroom. You can accomplish everything you need to accomplish in a bathroom located in a hallway. Put a lock on the door if privacy is a concern.
Sentimental but Useless? Snap a Photo!
The very act of taking a picture creates a small ritual for saying goodbye.
What Stagers Wish You Knew
Staging is akin to hiring a Fairy Godmother to transform a mushroom into a mansion.
Ain't It Funny How Time Slips Away?
Everything – including the venerable Victorians on my block – will eventually fade away.
What House Painters Wish You Knew
"Painting is about as close to magic as you can get, and if you want the spell done right, you hire a magician."
This Must Be The Place
Don’t ignore your intuition. If you’re not getting at least a tiny feeling of “This Must Be The Place,” then best to keep looking.
Could You Be Loved
Buying or selling a home is really about love. It’s about people just wanting to know that they’re going to be okay.
Feels Like the First Time (30 Years Later)
I’d tell you that I’ve “seen it all” over three decades, but there’s something new every day.
Every Time We Yearn
Every time we yearn for something we cannot afford, we grow poorer, whatever our resources.
Less Lipstick = More Value
Or, as a contractor friend once said to me, “More pig, less lipstick.”
Buyers: Don’t Let Staging Fool You
Buyers: 8 ways to be sure staging doesn’t sabotage your home search.
Will This Floor Plan Work For An Orgy?
With homebuyers, there’s always an unstated or indefinable list of needs that require some divination on my part.
Where Do Sex and Real Estate Meet?
Everybody knows that the best time to start investing in real estate (or anything else) is when you’re young.
Remodeling? Watch What You Wish For
You’ll never guess which are the biggest hidden costs of remodeling a property in San Francisco!